Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Projects, Projects, Projects!

It seems like being a new homeowner means there is ALWAYS something to do. I am always cleaning or organizing, or decorating, but my favorite part is planning all the ways I'm going to redo things in my house! 

Here is what you should know about me and my house before I continue: First you should know I am cheap, like real real cheap, I don't pay full price or normal price for anything, I am a bargain shopper! So when I bought a house I went cheap, we bought a house we really liked that we could afford on one income (should anything ever happen to one of our jobs), its in a neighborhood we like, it has many of the things we thought were important- 2 bathrooms, a decent neighborhood, central heat and air, a great backyard, and lots of potential!  But it is a work in progress, and boy did it need some work! It was move in ready (thank God!) but since moving in we have undertaken many projects, and I love to dream about all of my future projects! 

Here is an picture from the realtors listing of my sad, little, needs a lot of work, but very dearly loved, house! (I swear it looks cuter on the inside!)

Yup this baby needs a paint job, and some TLC, I know! 
Since we bought the house we painted everything on the inside (except the bathrooms and the ceilings)- so that project is done, and we will be painting the bathrooms when we redo the bathrooms which will be soon! 
The first project on the agenda is our hall bath, here is what that looked like before we moved in. 

Yes its true, that is a green vanity (which shockingly enough is worth some money because it is so very vintage- and I did contemplate keeping and revamping it- but it needs a new faucet, sink and counter top and it just is not very functional, no real storage space, so I decided not to), a green toilet and a green tub! It is pretty terrible, and before we moved in a we put in a pretty new WHITE toilet, and covered the tub with a shower curtain, and this month we will be repainting, putting in new flooring and putting in a new vanity, counter top and sink! I am sooooo excited! I already purchased my vanity and sink counter top combo, and the best part is it was totally free to us because we had many Home Depot and Lowes gift cards from our wedding! I will update with more pics and details of the redo when we get it done, I will also tell you all about how we did it on a budget- a major budget, the whole thing will mostly be free, however for people who can't get it free it was still very budget friendly, but more about that when we do an update!

My next project will be painting the outside of the house, woo hoo, our neighbors wont hate us anymore for dragging down their property values (and I mean dragging WAY down)! This should hopefully be done by the end of June (fingers crossed) and maybe even sooner! And the constant work in progress will be the yard, and boy is that overwhelming! And lately I've been dreaming about my kitchen, I know exactly how I'm going to do a low cost redo of that, it wont be a forever dream kitchen redo but it will be a for now and so much better kitchen redo!

So I am going to leave you with this picture of a beautiful dream kitchen *swoon* maybe someday I will have a big beautiful island like this! Until then I will be perfectly happy with simply owning my own kitchen even if it is a long way off from this!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for following! I'm looking forward to seeing how your house comes along as well. We almost bought a house that had a green bathroom as well.
